Výjimečná káva za dobrý skutek
Chceme zlepšit prostředí v Česku
V Brně na Zelňáku najdete každý všední den od devíti do 16:30 první pojízdnou kavárnu DobroKávy, kde za kávu neplatíte penězi, ale dobrým skutkem.
Zjistit více.
"You must have coffee there. It is the best coffee.It is free, everything is. But of course, there will be a catch!" Our tour guide recommended, pointing to a small coffee cart parked under a tree in the middle of the vegetable market. We went and opted for an iced tea instead of coffee. The catch? We had to promise to do one good deed for another person. If you didn't know what to do, there is a small chalk board with recommendations, like giving a stranger a flower :). I saw a few people walking around the city with a flower in their hands, along with the biggest smiles! And if you are undecisive, then you can pick a fortune cookie, and do as the fortune says! We both chose the fortune cookies. 😊😍 An awesome citizen of Brno wants to make a world a better place to live. What an incredible project. More of this, please 😊#dobrokava
Děkujeme, že nám pomocí dobrých skutků pomáháte zlepšit Česko!
tým DobroKáva